"NOT りんごジュース, APPLE ジュース!"

Sunday, December 2, 2007


でもね、恥ずかしくても、ポスター発表はいいExperience です。It was easier to talk to teachers and classmates than conversing with the random graduate students (or whatever they were). For some reason, talking to them made me feel a lot more nervous. >< ;; They also just kind of listen to you and nod their heads at times without really commenting or ask you questions. It was kind of weird and nerveracking. But with the professors, they seemed more eager, and asked a lot of questions and commented on random pictures. I found it easier to answer their questions than just read from my sheet of paper, since I made so many mistakes. It would be a mircale if they actually understood my material, but then again the pictures were pretty self explanatory.. :P (I think at some point, I was my I was so embarassed and nervous and whatever combined, my face was red/hot enough to fry eggs) -_-;;

Final version Of the ポスター発表


At December 3, 2007 at 12:51 PM , Blogger yukki said...

きんちょう (nervous) しなくてもよかったのに!私には上手に発表しているように見えましたよ。

It's interesting to hear that you thought it was easier for you to talk to professors than to others. See how nice teachers are? ;-)


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